by Beth Grimm
It is incredible what is happening up in Sacramento. The legislature is prolific and new laws can catch you by surprise. If you do not keep yourselves informed, there are new penalties and risks for associations and for board members. If you are a manager and do not keep up, you are likely to encounter many problems working in this industry (although it may not catch up to you right away). In their efforts to protect “the little guy”, the legislators seem to have little understanding about the fallout and effects of the new laws making all of your lives tougher, much more complicated, and more costly.
How does anyone manage? You can purchase desk copies of the Civil Code and Corporations Code from Westlaw and peruse the Davis Stirling Act (found at Civil Code Sections 4000-6150) and the Nonprofit Mutual Benefit Corporations Code (found at Corporations Code 7110 et seq), and try to read the statutes. You can join CAI, CACM, and ECHO and attend classes once a year on the new statutes. Some attorneys will provide you with a disk of the statutes and I am sure you can find the California Codes at your local county library or on the web. In fact, you can get to any of the California statutes by going through the California State Website www.ca.gov and find a link to the Davis Stirling Act on the resource page of this website.
But reading the statutes is a challenge, at best. Trying to figure out what they mean or how to apply them is really tough. And no one else offers the variety of tools that are available on my website: free guides, FYIs, articles and FAQs; and books and newsletters are available at a minimal cost). You dfinitely get more bang for your buck!.
THE MOST CURRENT DAVIS STIRLING ACT IN PLAIN ENGLISH (updated every year): This book is a real gem. It is updated every year to include the new statutes and explain them. To review an excerpt from the book, click here. Where else can you get a plain English version of this Act? (Nowhere!) This 100+ page book plus 15 pages of Attachments lays out the Davis Stirling Act in a language you can understand, cutting through the legalese – and explaining how the statutes are applied and interpreted. For a mere $125 for a hard copy or $95 for a PDF version sent by email, you may save lots of money every time you want to know something like, “how much can Associations increase assessments each year?” Adopt the motto: “Do it right the first time.” Just read this book.
TO PURCHASE: Visit the webstore or PayPal, which is the preferred method. The webstore is going to br fazed out shortly. .